Making terrariums is great fun! They look tropically terrific and bring the wilderness indoors. They make growling good homes for big cat toys, or any other jungle animals you might have.
Step 1: Fill the bottom of your jar with about 2cm of pebbles (make sure your pebbles are clean). This will help drain the water from the plants’ roots, to prevent them from rotting.
Step 6: Let the jungle dry out for a few hours and then put the lid on. This will help it become a self-sustaining jungle. Watch and see what happens to its water cycle. Store out of direct sunlight and open the lid every few weeks to give your plants fresh air.
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The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, produced by the Natural History Museum, never fails to amaze, and 2024 was no exception. Thousands of incredible images were submitted, but only a few made it to the People’s Choice Award.
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