by Emma Louise Oldham May 23, 2020

They’re fizzy and vibrant, and smell divine! These eco bath bombs contain only natural ingredients, so are kind to skin. And when the fun is finished, they are safe to go down the plughole, too!

What you need:

  • ½ cup Epsom salt
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup citric acid
  • Few drops of natural organic food colouring
  • Natural essential oil (please make sure this is child-friendly)
  • Water
  • Olive oil
  • Spoon/whisk
  • Mixing bowls
  • Bath bomb moulds (we used reusable metal ones)

  • What to do:

    Step 1: Put your baking soda, Epsom salt and citric acid into a bowl. Mix together.

    Step 2:  In a separate bowl, add a couple of drops of natural food colouring, half a teaspoon of water, 1.5 teaspoons of olive oil, and a teaspoon of natural essential oil. Mix together.

    Step 3: Repeat Step 2, choosing a different colour. We used three colours for ours, so completed Step 2 three times.

    Step 4: Pour your wet ingredients into the dry ones. You must do this slowly to ensure you don’t activate the citric acid. Keep stirring in the liquid a splash at a time.

    Step 5: When the mixture gets crumbly, knead it with your hands. This feels great!

    Step 6: Add your mixture to the moulds, ensuring it’s tightly packed in. Push the moulds together and remove any excess mixture. Place them in the fridge for up to three hours (until your bath bomb hardens). You can either mix different colours to make a rainbow bath bomb or create separate colours (or both!).

    Step 7: Take out of the fridge, remove the mould, and enjoy! Fizzzzzzz!

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